Wednesday, May 18, 2011

health jokes!

*      I’m putting on too much weight. What shall I do, Doc?
Put yourself away from the table three times a day.

*      How did you break your arm?
You see those steps? Well, I didn’t.

*      I haven’t touched your tooth yet, have I?
No, but you’re standing on my foot.

*      Doctor, I often feel like killing myself. What shall I do?
Leave it to me.

*      Does every bone in your body hurt?
Yes, I’m glad I’m not a fish.

*      Have you ever had a car accident?
Well, I met my wife at a petrol station.

*      What do you recommend for the pain in my left foot, Doc?
Try walking with the other one.

*      So Jones is death. Did he leave his wife much?
Oh, nearly every night.

*      What’s good for biting fingernails?
Sharp teeth.

*      How did your brother have his accident?
He tried to fly his plane through a tunnel without checking the train timetable.

*      Why do I get a sharp pain in my left eye every time I drink tea?
Take the spoon out of your cup.

*      What’s the quickest way to get to the hospital?
Stand in the middle of this road for a while.

*      What’s the best way to stay healthy?
Not to get sick.

*      Could you pay for an operation if I thought one was necessary?
Would you find it necessary, Doc, if I couldn’t pay for it?

*      How long can a man live without a brain, Doc?
I don’t know. How old are you?

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